Thursday 20 March 2008

2D Vs. 3D

So there are 3-dimensional animations and 2-dimensional animations. Both can be easily identified by the style an animation is. Which do I prefer?

In terms of the style of animation, I really rather prefer 2D animation. The reason is because that within 2D animation, I personally feel that there are no limits and creativity can be expanded. Whereas in 3D animation, I feel that there are limits, as 3-dimensional designs have an element of being 'realistic' as that is how I feel about 3-dimensional animations, it is an animation that shows reality.

For 2D animations, the animations can be exagerrated, it can be expanded so that characters don't look real. That is why I enjoy 2D animation, it is because the style in the designs of characters, scenes etc, I personally cannot relate to. Such as beating someone up with a hammer as a joke, that is an example that the scene cannot relate to in real life.

Although, 3D animation has developed and many techniques can relate to 3D animation, there is still something I see in 3D animation that makes me think the animation looks somewhat realistic, probably the use of colours, or maybe stories that are generated from using 3D animation.

2D for me, is the creativity, the colours, and the non-limits that are created. An example will be a 'beat em' up' video game that I am a huge fan of:

Although to me both looks good, the way the design and the style look like, I feel that 2D designs can be more creative, as for the 3D design of the character (both images are the same character with different clothing) look detailed, but however, because it is that 3 dimensional the character design looks 'blocky' or somewhat not 'smooth' enough for myself. In 2D a lot of detail and lot of style can be added depending in the artist's style. Whereas in 3D, I feel there is a limitation in creativity and design.