Monday 10 March 2008

Story Outline (Script)


Kace rushes directly to the gates just before the train is about to leave, he is late! Today was his project hand-in, he can't miss the morning class!

He caught up with the train just in time as the whistle is blowed for depature.

As he steps into the train his surrounding becomes unfamiliar.

Kace: What the---- ?!

Just before Kace begins to panic and trying to finish his sentence, he realises he is descending from the sky. Somehow Kace is in another dimension. Kace begins to panic.


Kace: (frightened) Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

Kace becomes confused and paranoid at the same time he is extremely frightened for the sudden change of events.

Kace: (panics) Why?! What did I do wrong to deserve such a bad start today?! Ahhhhhhh!!! I am sooo going to fail in my Science Project!!! Nooooooo!!!!

Suddenly a voice is heard from behind Kace.

???: Why are you falling? And shouldn't you be caring about staying alive instead of some kind of 'Scene Poopoo'?

Kace tries to adjust his head to identify the voice.

His vision comes directly to a 'furry' looking creature, as if it is a cuddly toy, floating in the air, puzzled. Kace panics more.

Kace: (panics) What the hell?! What the hell are you?! Why are you floating?! Where am I?!

???: (offended) Eeek! Why are you asking me so many questions?! Why are you being aggressive?! Don't get aggressive with Poro! Poro dislikes it!

Kace: (cries) I'm sorry! But I'm falling down! I might die!!!! I need help!!!! I don't wanna die! There's so much things I haven't done yet! Mama! Papa!

Poro: (confused) Huh? Don't you have the ability to fly? You're a strange one, never seen your kind before. What are you? Do you have a name?

Poro looks at Kace's clothes.

Poro: Your skin is weird...

Kace: (looks around with fear) Erm... I'm Kace.... erm... I can't fly... um... It's not skin, it's clothing I have...

Then Kace's sight eventually reaches below, he realises he is close to falling onto a platform.

Kace: (frightened) Oh my god!!!!! I'm gonna die!!!!!! Holy---

Just before Kace finishes his sentence, a huge force is grabbed onto Kace's shoulder. And before Kace realises it, the speed from descending from the sky begins to slow down. As he is slowly ascending instead. Poro was avoiding Kace from falling!

Poro: (struggling) Geez! How much do you eat?! And why are you heavy when you're just stick and bones?! Why can't you just fly?! Um... Hello?!

Kace becomes unconscious due to all events and panics too much...