Monday 10 March 2008

Story Reflection (Inspiration)

I was in the train when I thought of the script. I wanted something unique and something different. At first I wanted everything to be real and nothing too fancy. However, the more I think about it, a fantasy genre is where I can explode my creativity.

To begin with, the characters was what I worked the script around with. Originally I kept thinking about 'people' 'humans', just ordinary looking ones. But I turned around thinking about what if characters I made wasn't human and that is where 'Poro' came from. A creature. Nothing to fierceful looking, but a cute looking thing with a temper.

But the story starts off with everything all normal and nothing out of place, then it bursts into a fantasy land. That is where I thought the creativity can explode.

The Location starts off in the train station because I was brainstorming in the train, so that was the first idea. But because I wanted to create the creature, I had to think of an appropriate scenery where it can make its appearance in a believeable scenario.
The unfinished image on the right is to show my attempt in reality, doing something that relates to my life and that is 'basketball'. However, because ideas are exploding in my head, I left this image half done and started with my script.